all emotions are ok

mindful emotion coaching

reducing the biological impact of stress

our training is accredited by both the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and the Personalised Care Institute (PCI).

Mindful Emotion Coaching is a coaching technique created by Dr Sarah Temple that fits within EHCAP’s broader Family Wellness Programme. Mindful Emotion Coaching supports professionals, parents, carers , children, young people and families develop insight into the evolving neuroscience of how our brains process information during times of stress. A coaching approach encourages everyone to tap into and grow their internal resources; it is an affirmative model rather than a deficit one, using partnership, collaboration, relationship development, a ‘working with’ approach to understanding, exploring and finding ways to strengthen core life skills and executive function.

Noticing our emotions and being able to manage the way we respond to stress are crucial skills we all need and by strengthening skills and capabilities in these areas we are able to manage conflict more easily and make more effective choices including developing healthy eating, sleeping and exercise habits.